What's This All About?

At the end of 2023, I left my most recent role at Addressable when the company closed down. The product space had a lot of opportunity and despite offering customers great services, the company ran out of funds and the board decided to close the doors permanetly.

Having been involved in hiring engineers for over ten years, I have developed numerous opinions on the interviewing process and how we go about finding and acquiring great engineering talent. When I came back to the market, I found myself on the opposite end of the hiring process again as a potential candidate.

In order to assist with the process, I decided to create a collection of posts and informational pages to offer insights into what I have been doing throughout my career as a technical leader as well as the types of projects and work I have done. I also enjoy writing and communicating my ideas, and I’m a proponent of the concept that in order to properly understand something yourself you should be able to clearly communicate it to another human.

In Thinking About Projects, I discuss the process of taking a business problem and finding a technical solution from the ground up.

In Coding Challenges, I write about the joy of coding and using different programming languages. You can access a public GitHub repo where I’ve been storing some of my solutions to challenges from CodeWars and Project Euler.

The above two are a good selection to get a high-level sense of my experience, how I think about engineering problems, and to showcase some of my coding skills. Finally, you can check out the About section to get an overview of what has made me successful in my previous roles.