Thinking About Projects

At Capterra, we wanted to create infographics showcasing software and we wanted news sources as well as companies that were included on the infographics to use these for their own web media – articles and generated content. It was a great content and marketing idea and, spoiler alert, it worked.

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Coding Challenges

While different roles and responsibilities will dictate the amount of time I will spend coding, it is still an integral part of the craft. In every role I’ve had over the past ten years, the amount of coding has varied as I’ve needed to delegate more and distribute work to other teams and team members. At the same time, when working in a smaller team or smaller company, coding naturally becomes far more hands-on and I’ve needed to execute on tasks in higher volume. Regardless, whether it is for a SPIKE, helping to get a project to the finish line, or even for my personal projects, I do spend a lot of time coding.

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How Many Earths?

The forthcoming solar eclipse got me thinking about how astronomically large our sun is compared to our home planet. It can be hard to wrap our heads around some of these numbers, so it’s generally helpful to think about these things relatively. If we were to fill the Sun with Earths, or fill Jupiter with Earths, then how many Earths could we fit inside of each?

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